I have been in a few times and not posted, so I’ll do my best to catch up.
Bushwhacker Cxa Cxa Cxa, v1
This is Bushwhacker’s attempt at a Basque style cider. The base is clearly what I’m starting to think of as the Bushwhacker style: a thinner, lighter cider. I hesitate to use the word “weak”, but the flavor is not very bold. I don’t think of it as a negative as much as a style choice. This cider has a distinct Basque flavor, but I would call it underdeveloped. Looking forward to v2, available any day now.
Blue Dog Mead, OR
I’ve tried to like mead. Really tried, but it just doesn’t do it for me. Therefore, I’m not a very good judge of mead quality. This was interesting to taste, great honey finish, but a little harsh up front with a heavy hit of alcohol. Would love to know what other people think of it.
Weston’s Stowford Press
Typical English style. Solid. Not much to note.
Ace Apple
Meh. Not bad, not great. I really associate this with what I used to get at bars on occasion, though they usually had pear, which is very sweet.
Carlton Cyderworks Trapper
This is a whiskey barrel aged cider. It was very different to taste on tap and from the bottle, mainly because the bottles were room temperature. Sadly, not very impressed. I LOVE Carlton’s Asian Pear cider, and the rest of their line is quite tasty. Although the flavor of the warmer bottle pour stood out more, I really liked the Bushwhacker version much more. This is their first attempt and the maker (on hand for tasting) is already talking adjustments for next year.
Original Sin
I got this because I remembered it being drier. Sweet.